How to Make Money with Affiliate Niche Sites With a $200 Budget?


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This is something I see a lot in my comment section or my social media message box. So this post is about How to Make Money with Affiliate Niche Sites With a $200 Budget.

People often ask how much would you need to profitably launch an affiliate site that has the potential to make anywhere between $500 and $1,000 per month in a few months?

Are you one of those asking this? If that´s the case, keep reading because this strategy is for you.

Steps to Make Money with Affiliate Niche Sites With a $200 Budget


This is the single and most important step in the entire process. Without it, you´re pretty much running towards failure.

In many people starting affiliate niche sites, I see that they confuse the concepts of markets/industry with a niche.

Let´s try to see it in an example to make it easier.

The industry/market would be something targeting a general or a broad topic like WEIGHT LOSS. On the other hand, a niche would be something targeting a particular and narrow topic inside that industry/market, for example, KETOGENIC DIETS.

Another example of a scorching industry/market would be ONLINE GAMING, and a niche inside that industry/market would be ONLINE GAMING CHAIRS.

Why is it important to focus on a niche?

Reduce Competition – If your audience includes too many people, it also means you will be competing with more businesses. By reducing the number of people you’re targeting, you also eliminate a lot of competing companies that don’t offer specific products or services for your niche market.

Easier to Become an Expert – The fewer things you have to know about, the easier it is to learn everything about it. Becoming a known specialist in a particular product or service makes a business more likely to be recommended by its customers. Therefore, it increases trust in customers who want to know they’re in good hands with the company they’re looking into working with.

Reduce Resources – As you include more products or services within your business, you also have to use more resources. By focusing on just a few products, you can reduce the resources it takes to market them effectively. Targeting a narrower audience allows businesses to focus their efforts on catering to specific customer needs.

Create a Community – People today love feeling connected with other people more than ever. So many people are on social media (One of the leading organic, targeted, and FREE traffic sources today!). Building and growing social media groups around a specific topic are more accessible. Why? With a group of like-minded people together, you have your market all in one place. This makes it easier and more effective to market any product or service.

Niche-down as much as possible

Niche-down as much as possible will drastically increase your chances of succeeding for the same reasons I mentioned above. Just make sure enough people search for that product or service in search engines to make it worth your time and effort.

Taking the ONLINE GAMING example, we mention ONLINE GAMING CHAIRS as a potential niche we could develop into an affiliate site. But did you know we can “niche-down” this even further?





Among many others!

The key variables you need to ALWAYS keep in mind when selecting a niche are:

  • Targets a passionate audience – Trust me on this one; you need your audience to be passionate about the niche. Otherwise, it will be complicated to market anything to them. The most active topics you can target are politics, religion, sports, gay-related stuff, and addictions.
  • Targets a particular problem/Interest – This is very important, especially initially. Try not to cook more than one egg at a time. Try to focus on one interest for now.
  • It has enough monthly search volume – If the people within your audience aren´t looking to solve their problem or fulfill their interest/passion, that niche won´t be worth targeting. As a rule of thumb, you can start by aiming to target keywords/niches with 200-500 monthly searches. This should be a great goal to have.
  • It´s something you care about – Trust me on this one. If you want to dive into a niche you have no particular interest in, it will be hard to stay focused and build up a business. I´ve seen it many times. Try to focus on something you enjoy and not something you feel diving into purely for its business potential.
  • It has low competition – I left this for last with all intentions. Is all the above it´s a GO for you? Then, the competition aspect won´t matter much. Especially if you´re very passionate about the niche in question, but still, if you want to check its competition, run a search on Google using the following search operator allintitle:[YOUR MAIN KEYWORD]. For example. allintitle:ergonomic gaming chairs. If you get less than 100,000 results, it´s a potential niche you can quickly profit from. Don´t worry about this point too much; I will dive a bit deeper later.


​Once you have brainstormed at least five potential niches you feel you can build a site around; then it´s time to buy the domain.

I strongly suggest you get a .com domain and not some crappy .xyz, .info, or .store crap.

Nothing generates more trust than visiting a .com site.

There are hundreds of domain registrar sites out there. My favorites are Namecheap and Google Domains.

You can get a .com domain for $6-$10 per year.

What name to choose?

This is very important and still something many don´t pay too much attention to.

1. Keep it simple, short, and specific

2. It´s easy to pronounce and spell

3. Avoid numbers and hyphens

4. Make it brandable

5. Try using the main keyword

6. Try domain name generators


I strongly suggest getting the BASIC Shared Hosting plan for Single Website and CHOICE PLUS Shared Hosting plan for Multiple Websites from Bluehost. Right now, it’s priced at $50 to $80 for the first year.


Let´s talk about my personal favorites on each of those topics.

I prefer a lightweight, fully responsive, drag-drop composer and fast-loading theme. In my relatively short experience in this field, these are my favorites

One premium theme costs you approx $60-70, but you can skip this and can use free theme too.

When it comes to plugins

  • SEO – Rank Math (yeap, that`s right!)
  • Performance Booster – WP Rocket
  • Image Optimization – Imagify (Smush Pro or ShortPixel will also do the trick – Make sure to pick one that offers webp image conversions)
  • Security – WordFence
  • Email Autoresponder – Mailchimp


Don’t worry if you’re NOT a writer. I am not a writer myself (even tho I enjoy writing).

You won’t be writing anything!

And, before you ask, you won’t be outsourcing this task either (You don’t have the budget for this).

So, How come I will generate content if I won’t be writing or outsourcing anything?

Well, for starters, you will be REWRITING!


Don’t know who to write or have no interest in writing, well follow this link, ll help you write (via REWRITING) How to write content for your website

6. SEO

Thankfully, this is the area where I feel the most comfortable. After all, I am an SEO Consultant!

SEO it’s nothing but turning any site into a more “search engine friendly” site.

You are meaning optimizing it by following a set of well-known rules, guidelines, and factors that will improve your site’s chances of being found and comply with what search engines expect from it.

What is the end price of having a fully SEO-optimized site?

Better rankings on the search results!

Think of Google as a real state manager with limited houses (each position on its ranking) to “rent” (the word “rent” is key here).

Have you ever wondered what determines what pages Google will display at the top of its results?

For example, let’s say you’re still targeting the keyword “Best Hosting Under $100”.

What pages should appear in #1 or #5 positions?

This is where SEO comes into place.

Don’t know how to do SEO, this link will help you to rank your website without any technical skills: A Complete Guide to SEO – Things that you need to know

Final Words

Alright, guys, it is time to sum up our budget to this point!

We have…

  • 1x .com domains at $10 = $10
  • Shared Hosting (Bluehost Basic Plan) approx $50
  • At least 500,000 PLR articles around a niche (Over Fiverr) for $20 (Optional)
  • WordPress Theme – $70
  • Grammarly Premium (On eBay) at $3 (Optional)

All this adds up to a total of $150!!! approx

If you want to speed things up, I highly recommend investing in some paid advertising on social media to build your presence there the fastest and start growing your audience the right way!

If you decide to walk down this road, I highly recommend that you wait until you’ve covered the first topic in full. Meaning doesn’t start running ads until you have around 10-15 articles posted on your site about a specific topic.

Remember to stay within a $5 daily budget and run a single post for 3 to 4 days.

Then, boost another post.

This means you need to be very selective with what articles you choose to run here.

I would focus on informational articles and link the commercial intent-based articles.

How do interlink them?

By using something called ANCHOR TEXT!

There are many different types of anchor texts, but the ones we’re going to focus on to link our articles together internally are:

  • Exact Match
  • Partial Match

This way, we guarantee our links are added in a natural way that doesn’t affect our content flow.


  • Mentalize, this is a 6-12 month project. It can take less time, or it can take more. What factors should you focus on to speed things up?
    • Niche/Keyword selection – Try to go with the least competitive one. At least in the beginning, while you gain experience and confidence.
    • Your site SEO Health – The more time you spend optimizing your site, the fastest your growth will be (But still, it will take a couple of months before you start seeing some organic traffic coming in – BE PATIENT!)
  • Your Content – This is critical on different levels!
    • Make it appealing to the reader.
    • Focus on readability
    • Make it scannable
    • Prioritize informational intent-based content
    • Interlink these with the commercial intent-based
    • Linkbuilding – This process takes time. Don’t get discouraged if you haven’t built a single link in the first couple of months. Keep knocking on doors. Would you link to a brand new site if you had an authoritative blog?
    • Social Media – Heavily focus on building your social media presence.

I hope you guys find this helpful.

Feel free to drop your comments, questions, insights, feedback, doubts, or anything else you would like to share.

More than happy to open a debate about any of my points here.



  • Make Money with Affiliate Niche Sites
  • Make Money from Websites
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Pardeep Patel
Hi!, I am Pardeep Patel, an Indian passport holder, Traveler, Blogger, Story Writer. I completed my M-Tech (Computer Science) in 2016. I love to travel, eat different foods from various cuisines, experience different cultures, make new friends and meet other.

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