ZeroSSL – SSL Certificate Service

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ZeroSSL is an SSL certificate service that offers free SSL certificates to secure websites and enable HTTPS encryption. It’s designed to make the process of obtaining and installing SSL certificates more accessible and user-friendly. ZeroSSL is particularly popular for small websites, personal blogs, and projects that require basic encryption without the need for a complex setup.

The simple but powerful belief that every web application worldwide should be secured using SSL has been the essence of ZeroSSL ever since its initial release in early 2016, when its sole purpose was to facilitate the setup and installation of free 90-day SSL certificates issued by third-party vendors. As time passed and the user base grew, a decision was made for ZeroSSL to take a significant step towards becoming a trusted certificate authority itself, issuing authentic SSL certificates.


  • Cost-Effective: They offers free SSL certificates, making it an affordable option for small websites and personal projects.
  • Simplicity: The user-friendly interface and automated processes make it easy for users to obtain and install SSL certificates.
  • Wildcard and Multi-Domain Support: They offers wildcard and multi-domain certificates, accommodating various website structures.
  • Encryption and Security: SSL certificates from ZeroSSL enable HTTPS encryption, enhancing the security of data transmission.
  • Automated Renewal: ZeroSSL offers tools to automate the renewal process, ensuring that your website remains secure.


  • Limited Validation: ZeroSSL certificates are domain-validated (DV), which means they provide basic validation of domain ownership but don’t offer the extended validation (EV) that some larger websites might require.
  • No Warranty: Free ZeroSSL certificates do not include a warranty or additional features that might be available with paid certificates from other providers.
  • Support: While ZeroSSL provides online documentation, free users might have limited access to customer support compared to premium users.

In conclusion, ZeroSSL is a popular option for obtaining free SSL certificates and enabling HTTPS encryption on websites. It’s particularly suitable for small websites, personal blogs, and projects that need basic encryption without the complexity of premium SSL certificate services. While it might lack some advanced features and validation levels, its user-friendly interface and cost-effectiveness make it a viable choice for those seeking to secure their websites.


  • Free SSL Certificates: ZeroSSL provides free SSL certificates that are suitable for securing websites and enabling HTTPS encryption. These certificates are issued by Let's Encrypt, a widely recognized certificate authority.
  • User-Friendly Interface: ZeroSSL offers a simple and user-friendly interface that guides users through the process of generating, validating, and installing SSL certificates.
  • Domain Validation: ZeroSSL provides domain-validated (DV) certificates, which require the certificate requester to prove ownership of the domain through various validation methods.
  • Wildcard Certificates: ZeroSSL offers wildcard certificates, which can secure a main domain and all its subdomains with a single certificate.
  • Single-Domain and Multi-Domain Certificates: In addition to wildcard certificates, ZeroSSL offers single-domain and multi-domain certificates to accommodate different website setups.
  • Automated Renewal: ZeroSSL certificates have a relatively short validity period (usually 90 days), but the service provides tools and automation to streamline the renewal process.
  • ACME Protocol: ZeroSSL uses the ACME protocol, which is a standardized method for automating the issuance and renewal of SSL certificates. This simplifies the certificate issuance process.
  • Certificate Management: ZeroSSL offers tools for managing your SSL certificates, including generating new certificates, renewing existing ones, and tracking expiration dates.
  • HTTPS Implementation: ZeroSSL's certificates enable HTTPS encryption on your website, ensuring that data exchanged between your site and its visitors is encrypted and secure.

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