Popular Types of Membership Websites that Generate Income for You


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Popular Types of Membership Websites that Generate Income for You: There are several ways to generate income. One of them is to build strong online communities. To succeed in your challenge, you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel. The already successful websites teach us that there are some available types of membership websites. Now let’s take a closer look at this matter and find the shortcut you need to succeed.

Creating a membership website could be an easy task if you set the right triggers and keep your visitors engaged with the published content on a membership platform (website) that provides exclusive content for its members for a fee.

This post will discuss the different types of membership websites that can drive new leads and monetization possibilities.

Questions to Ask Before You Choose your Type of Membership Website

If you are not decided yet about the type of membership website to design, you should ask yourself:

  1. What kind of content will you publish?
  2. Who is your content for?
  3. Is it a free or a paid membership website?
  4. What are your main objectives?
  5. Who is the target market/niche?
  6. One-time fee or recurring payment?
  7. Do you already have credibility in the online environment?
  8. Who is your competition?

Please write down the answers and analyze them. Now you have a better idea of what exactly you want to achieve.

Types of Membership Websites that Generate Income

I have gathered some of the most popular ideas that can contribute to your plan in developing a membership site and start monetizing it.

Online Courses

Selling online courses is one of the most common ways to monetize your website. If you have educational certifications, you can share your knowledge with people ready to pay a fee to benefit from your classes. There are several ways to sell online courses; you can hold video meetings or unlock documents.

Painting, art videos, or any other hobbies

Have you ever thought of getting more benefits from your hobbies rather than just your self-satisfaction and a way to disconnect? If you have a hobby, you can easily monetize it. The online environment is where you can show how talented you are. Moreover, you can teach others how to paint by locking your videos and including a membership tax. You’ll continue practicing and performing your hobby while creating content for your new community.

Unique food recipes

Millions of food blogs are already live. If your passion is cooking or baking, why not share your secret recipes with food lovers? Create and maintain a membership website and start monetizing your food challenges. People will gladly pay a fee and become members of your group to see and try new recipes.

Parenting courses

If you are a parent and have a solid base in parenthood, you can use your knowledge to create a website and gather other parents that seek new parenting methods. As a parent, you’re facing new challenges daily. Being a member of a group that sympathizes with you, a community where you can learn new tips to educate your children, might be what you’ve ever looked for.

Crafts for kids

With these pandemic times, everything went quickly viral, and everything was moved online. And for kids, this was a challenging period. However, the extraordinary thing that happened was the opportunity of businesses, ONG, schools, art & hobbies communities to build an online presence—especially for parents searching for creative resources and new ways of spending quality time with their kids. And this tendency will surely be here to stay. So, if you love kids and can create fun things, and have fresh handcrafting ideas, a membership website can be an auxiliary source of income.

Nonprofit organizations

To raise money for different causes, you can build a nonprofit membership website. You can create several pricing plans for monthly or annual memberships and engage with your members through various events, programs, and valuable information. Moreover, you can have a special donation section and build a donation community base.

Special Events

Are you looking to showcase events from your local community such as cultural, conferences, networking, seminars, concerts, and so on? This membership site is based on a solid base and will bring together attendees from a broader range of places. 

You can explore so many niches, including those related to mental health and personal growth, marketing, or tech.

News Websites

Like how you were paying for newspapers to receive them in your physical mailbox, you can now pay for online subscriptions to read your favorite news or magazines. It’s environment-friendly, and readers can choose what type of content to read based on your membership programs. You can head towards the Washington Post or The New York Times, as these two great examples have included the “content for members-only” policy – so people can get exclusive access to more quality news. 

Worry about, How to Start? – This Article will help you – Steps to create a website from scratch


A membership website is based on mutual benefits. You help others while they help you. This type of website is beneficial for everyone. Every membership site is distinct. However, they should all contain images, video & audio content, downloadable files, live streaming, a forum or social media group (connected to the site), etc. If you have another website idea, please feel free to share it with our audience.

Thanks for reading Types of Membership Websites that Generate Income

Recommended Resources

WordPress Theme
1. Newspaper by TagDiv (Highly Recommended)

Other Tools
1, Semrush (*Get 7 days of full access to all toolkits. Cancel anytime.) – Do SEO, content marketing, competitor research, PPC and social media marketing from just one platform
2, MailOptin – Convert website visitors into subscribers and WordPress users, send one-off newsletters and create automated, event triggered follow-up emails. All inside WordPress
3, WP Rocket – WP Rocket is the most powerful web performance plugin in the world. It will instantly reduce your load time and boost your Google PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals scores. No coding skills needed

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Shivani Thakur
My name is Shivani Thakur, and I am from Himachal Pradesh, India. I am passionate about technology and love sharing my knowledge through my tech blogs. However, there's more to me than just technology. I have a deep love for dance, which allows me to express myself creatively and connect with others through movement. Exploring new places and experiencing different cultures through travel is another one of my great passions. And of course, I can never resist indulging in delicious food and exploring various culinary delights. Join me on my journey as I combine my love for technology with my other interests, and let's explore the world together!

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