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do-while Loop Statement in PhP

do-while Loop Statement in PhP

The do…while statement will execute a block of code at least once – it then will repeat the loop as long as a condition is true.


do {
    code to be executed;
while (condition is true);

The example below first sets a variable $x to 1 ($x = 1). Then, the do while loop will write some output, and then increment the variable $x with 1. Then the condition is checked (is $x less than, or equal to 5?), and the loop will continue to run as long as $x is less than, or equal to 5

$x = 1;
do {
    echo "The number is: $x <br>";
} while ($x <= 5);


The number is: 1
The number is: 2
The number is: 3
The number is: 4
The number is: 5

In the below example will increment the value of i at least once, and it will continue incrementing the variable i as long as it has a value of less than 10

  $i = 0;
  $num = 0;
  do {
  while( $i < 10 );
  echo ("Loop stopped at i = $i" );

Output: Loop stopped at i = 10

Example Program to display table of given number

echo $t." ";
while ($i<=10); 

Output: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


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